Monday, June 29, 2009


I am the salt that Jesus spoke in His Sermon on the Mount. He wanted all God’s people to be like me. Why? Hear me as I speak through this message.

1. Salvation

I am drawn out from the sea. As long as I am in the sea, I am useless. Nobody takes the sea water to cook anything. I need to be channeled to salt beds where they crystallize me directly under the sun and finally I am made salt. So also, my dear friends, as long as you are one with the world, you are useless for God. Jesus said, “I have chosen you out of the world” (Jn 15:19). When you were lost in the world, God separated you, made the Sun of Righteousness to shine on you and made you the salt (2 Cor 4:6). That is why you are called the “Church” or in Greek, “Ecclesia” meaning “the called out.”

These days separation is a relative term. The line of demarcation between the world and the church is shifted as per convenience and likes of individuals instead of God’s standards in God’s Word. Dear child of God, are you clear about the line of demarcation? Are you true to God who made you salt?

2. Sanctification

People like to use me only if I look white and dirt free. For this, I need to go through a process of cleansing in the factory. I am boiled and the scum is removed. Again when I am dried, I look cleaner and whiter and I glitter. The more I am exposed to the sun, the more I glitter. Similarly you will be liked by people when you live holy. Whiteness is symbol of holiness (Rev 7:14; 1 Jn 1:7). That is the reason Jesus prayed to His Father to sanctify you (Jn 17:8,19). You need to go through a process of sanctification to bless others. The more you expose yourself to the Sun of Righteousness the more you will shine (Psa 34:5a). Keep looking to Jesus in worship and in His Word. You will not be used if you look dull and unclean. God’s way of sanctifying you is a hard process.

Jesus who compared you to salt also compared you to a branch of vine, and He claimed Himself to be the true Vine (Jn 15:1-5). First of all, He wants you to abide in Him. By doing that you bring forth fruits. But He wants more fruits from you. So He still cleanses you by cutting off the unwanted things from your life (v 3). Though it is sometimes painful, it is inevitable for bearing fruit faithfully and effectively. But only when you go through sanctification God will use you more and more.

3. Service

I am born to serve. There is no other purpose for me in this world. I savour anything that comes in contact with me. I make an influence. I bring about change.

Do you know the purpose of your living? It is to serve God who made you salt. You are a powerful commodity for Him. Like me you can bring about change in whatever you come in contact with. You can change people, families, circumstances etc., When you speak to the people they will change. As salt, even right now when I speak to you through this message, you will experience some change in you. I am also a taste maker. You can influence people and make them sweet. You can bless all those whom you come across.

4. Sacrifice

Jesus mentioned both symbols of salt and light at the same time to compare them to you. There is a reason behind it. Both salt and light are a blessing to people. If it is so, both have one thing in common. That is sacrifice. When a candle gives out light, it burns out to nothing. When I am mixed in the food stuff, I also reduce to nothing. During Old Testament times, salt was added to the burnt offering. Without salt there was no burnt offering (Ezek 43:24; Mk 9:49). It is impossible to serve God without sacrifice. In other words, the more you are prepared for sacrifice, the more God uses you.

This does not mean that you should be a pauper or a hermit. But this simply means that God is the owner of all things and you are only the user. I would like to illustrate this with a story. There was a rich businessman who announced sale of a pearl of great price. A crowd gathered around him. No body dared to throw a bid. At last one man dared to come forward. The bargain for sale cum purchase began. The businessman asked how much the buyer could pay. The buyer told him the cash amount he had taken with him to buy the pearl. The seller took note on a sheet of paper the details of all the possessions of the buyer one by one such as, his money at home, bank balance, his car, bungalow, movable and immovable properties, his wife children and finally he himself. He demanded the whole lot as the price for the pearl. The buyer because of his determination to buy the precious pearl agreed for the terms. The transaction was over.

Then the seller slowly moved towards the buyer with the list in his hand. He said, “Look, this paper will be with me. All the items listed out will be with you. From now on I am the owner of these and you are only the user.”

Dear reader, God does not want to deprive you of any good gift that pertain to this life. He wants you to prosper in all things as your soul prospers. But He wants that we should not be possessive of any blessings of God. Whenever He demands, we should be prepared to sacrifice it for Him.

Jesus spoke about sacrifice in Mt 16: 24-26. Preceding this passage He spoke about the power of binding and loosing (vs 19). This means if you want power (to bind and loose) you must be prepared to lose.

5. Security

As salt, I am used to secure things from being spoiled or rotten. When you cut lemon into pieces and leave them, they will rot. But if you apply me on those pieces, they come out as delicious pickle. Cut an animal and leave the skin. It will stink. But apply me. The skin can shine and be used for your bags and belts! The same way you are to preserve this rotting world from decay. As long as the Church is in this world, the enemy is kept at bay (2 Thess 2:7,12). Once you and I are taken away from this world, the world will perish because of unrighteousness and deception (v10). This is a clarion call for you to live righteously so that you may not lose your savour. Your righteousness will preserve others from unrighteousness.

6. Savour

There is always the danger of losing my savour. Keep me in a saucer. I slowly absorb moisture from the air and become watery. The very water from which I was weaned out is always a threat to me when I am exposed. That is why when Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth,” immediately He also added, “If the salt loses its savour, how can it be seasoned?” Is it not the same with you? The very world from which you have been separated is always a threat to you to loose your savour of righteousness.

God’s righteousness is your savour. You have a great responsibility to safeguard it. Think of the people of Israel. Though they were brought out from Egypt, the sin of Egypt kept biting their heals, trying to drag their feet back! Are you in anyway worried that some sin or temperaments of the old self still nagging you and dragging you back? Don’t worry. Though you are in the world, the world has no power over you (1 Jn 4:4). As long as Jesus is in you, you cannot lose savour.

In Jesus times, they also used to extract me out of the rocks taken from the banks of the Dead Sea. The cut rocky salts were boiled with water in big caldrons. During the process my savour left the rocks and got dissolved in water and finally I came out as pure salt on crystallisation. They still called the rocks as salt, but without my savour. These were crushed and thrown on the murky paths for the people to walk over without soiling their feet. That was what Jesus referred to as salt without savour. But God has not made you salt to be trodden under foot but to fulfill His purpose.

7. Sociable

Well, I am known as common salt. I am commonly available to the entire world to all people. I don’t differentiate between rich or poor; male or female; high caste or low caste; wise or fool. I am used by all. To the rich I am available in beautiful ceramic salt shakers but to the poor I remain in an ordinary earthen pot. I am adaptable as told by our Apostle Paul in 1 Cor 9:19-22. I am available for all nations, every tribe and every tongue. I am a global commodity. Are you an easily approachable person? Are you ready to serve any one, any time, in any place and in any capacity?

The people exchange me as a symbol of peace. Even nations make Salt Treaty to make peace with each other. Jesus also said, “Blessed are the peace makers” (Mt 5:9); “Have salt in yourself, and be at peace with each other” (Mk 9:50b). Let me close my story with an interesting incident that happened in a SSYM mission station in tribal village. Once, a tribal man came all the way to a weekly market walking 10 km, just to find out my price. He walked back home and brought the money walking up & down again to buy me and to take me home. Even for that poor tribal man I was so inevitable. He needed me. If you are the salt of the earth, how much more people like that tribal man needs you! They need to be reconciled with God and have peace within. According to the Indian writer, Tribal Challenge, there are 90 million tribal people in India. Only 20% of them have been reached with the gospel. What is your response if you are the SALT?

Monday, June 22, 2009



It is God’s desire to bless you. God wants to bless you and lift you up more than what you are now. The Lord will bless you greatly (Deut 15:4), will never fail to keep His promise. He will certainly bless you greatly as He has promised. Believe and confess your faith by saying, The Lord will bless me greatly. What sort of blessing do you need? Be it spiritual, physical, worldly or any other, God will certainly give you the blessings that you need. Right now God is ready to bless us. But it is up to us to inherit all these blessings from God. We cannot receive unless we strive for it. Remember that God can never bless the sluggard.

God called Abraham and promised to give this land to him and to his generation, but also said, Arise, walk in the land through its length and its width, for I give it to you. (Gen. 13:17) It is not easy to walk around the whole land. But Abraham walked around the land and inherited the blessing. Let us also work to inherit all the blessings that God has in stored for us.


In the early days of my walk with God, I eagerly attended the spiritual meetings. I use to listen to the spiritual experience of the preachers. It was a great wonder to me when they said the experience of praying for one or two hours. An interest in my heart arose to pray in the same manner. One fine day, I made a decision to pray for one hour and so I knelt before the Lord. I prayed to the Lord for every prayer point that I knew. I felt that I had prayed for many hours. Thinking that I had prayed for one hour, I opened my eyes and found that I had prayed only for 10 minutes. What else should I pray for? was my thought. For I had prayed for all the points that I knew. I wondered how the others prayed for hours together. After some years, when God filled me with the Holy spirit my prayer life changed.

Whenever I go before the Lord in prayer and praise Him, I am surrounded by His presence. The whole place is filled with God’s presence and, the Holy Spirit fills me. When filled by the Spirit, He also opens my spiritual eyes. Then the Holy Spirit gives me the eyes to see Jesus. He helps us to see His likeness. Now, you can feel Jesus Christ near you. You can also feel in your spirit that Jesus is listening and answering your prayers. It is not only in the prayer time, we can feel His presence being with us for the whole day, at every place we go. To be more specific, we can feel Jesus Christ coming with us to all places.

What a glorious experience! It is the Holy Spirit who gives us this glorious experience of walking with God. The Bible says us to be filled with the spirit (Holy Spirit). (Eph. 5:18) Receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit even if you do not receive any other. God is ready to fill you with His spirit. We can receive only when we ask Him with thirst. If anyone thirst, let him come to me and drink. The Holy Scripture says, He who believes in me, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. In this context Jesus has spoken about the Holy Spirit that would be given to those who ask in faith. (John 7:37-39) First, you should have a thirst in your heart to receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit, to be filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit and to walk with God.

The Bible says, desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy (I Cor 14:1) desire the best gifts (I Cor 12:31) Desire the spiritual blessings. Earnestly have a thirst for these gifts. Then you shall receive it. Jesus Christ said, If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him. (Luke 11:13) When you pray with thirst, you shall certainly receive the power and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. As you pray everyday being filled with the Holy Spirit, you will be blessed with his presence and will grow in your walk with God. Inherit all these blessings by faith.


It is God’s desire that you be in sound health. He has promised as I will take sickness away from the midst of you. (Exodus 23:25) God wants to take away sickness from you and your family. But it is you, who need to inherit all these blessings. When Jesus Christ lived in this world, many sick people came in search of Him and received their healing. Though He healed them freely, it was only one thing that He expected of those who came in search of Him. That was to have faith in Him. Once, two blind men walk behind Jesus and shouted to Him, Have mercy on us, Son of David When He had come home, those blind people came to Him. Jesus looked at them and said, Do you believe that I am able to do this. They said, Yes, Lord. Then He touched their eyes and said; According to your faith will it be done to you. Then their eyes were opened. (Matthew 9:27-30) The two blind men received their healing because of their faith. On another occasion, a father came in search of Jesus for the deliverance of his child who was under the bondage of evil spirit. He said to Jesus, But if you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us. Jesus said to him, If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes. Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, Lord I believe, help my unbelief! Immediately God delivered his son from the bondage of the evil spirit. (Mark 9: 21-27) The faith of the father enabled the deliverance for his son. Carefully observe the word that was said by Jesus to the father of the child. If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes. (Mark 9:23)

This is what Jesus says to you. If you could believe, it is possible. You shall receive healing from your sickness. Have faith and receive your healing. Don’t seek others to pray for you, when you fall sick. Call upon the Lord yourself. God will see your faith and heal you. It is your belief that can make Him glad. Believe that He is to heal you. Believe and pray that He can heal you today. You shall certainly receive the healing. The prayer of faith will save the sick. (James 5:15).

Do not seek a servant of God when a member in your family falls sick. First, believe and pray. God will give an amazing answer to your prayer done in faith. Seek other’s prayers, when you face a circumstance in which you need there the prayer of others. Nearly 8 years ago, in the early days of my ministry, one day suddenly my father became sick. He fainted unconsciously. His eyes closed and he was unable do anything. He went the verge of death. The neighbours who got the news came to help us immediately. Our village is a small one. We were wondering what to do, as there were no doctors then. When we decided to hire a car and take my dad to the hospital in Ramanathapuram my neighbor house man told me, Dear brother, pray Jesus will heal him! That day my village people were all Hindus I and my parents were the only accepted the Lord and we were involved in ministry. My relatives who were gathered there were also Hindus. At this circumstance, I was afraid to pray. I was filled with fear because of the following questions, What if his life departs when I pray? What will the others think of me? I did not have faith that Jesus would perform a miracle at that moment.

My mother also said, Pray unto Jesus and he will perform a miracle. As there was no other way, I placed my hand upon my dad for my mother’s sake and village people’s shake and said a small prayer. As soon as I ended the prayer my father opened his eyes and arose. There was no need for him to go to the hospital as he was healed completely. I was surprised myself. I had this question in my mind, Has this miracle taken place because I had prayed? It was not my prayer that brought this healing but the faith of those village people and my mother. Faith was also created within me. After that my father was alive and still he is doing Lord’s ministry. Pray with faith. You will receive the miraculous healing from our Lord.


God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. (I Timothy 6:17) God desires us to be blessed in all aspects abundantly and be a blessing. The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, and he adds no trouble to it. (Proverbs 10:22). Our God is a God who does not add troubles in our lives. God does not desire us to worry over penury, debts and financial needs. God wishes that we be a blessing in all aspects. But we have to do two things to receive this blessing.


We should give to the Lord, as he expects from us. Many do not receive the blessings from God, as they do not give the amount of what is expected of him by God. At least, tithes should be given to God. This means one tenth of our income should be given to the Lord. Since people don’t do this, they lack the blessings of God. They are continuously being caught us in curses like debts, poverty and financial problems. See what God tells you. Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me! But you say, in what way have we robbed You? In tithes and offerings. You are cursed with the curse, for you have robbed Me, even this whole nation. (Malachi 3:8,9) If we don’t give unto the Lord one tenth of our income it would be a deception from our part. How can God bless those who cheat and deceive Him?
Since many people cheat God in offerings, curse baffles their family. Thus, they are not blessed financially and always have money problems. If this curse has to be changed and a blessing should come to the family, one should be true in giving offerings to the Lord. Once, when I was talking to a businessman I asked about the state of his business. He said, it is a blessing and God is blessing us greatly. I asked him, what did he think was the reason for him to be blessed so much? He said, I do not do any business on Sundays, but we go to church, to worship God and partake in ministries. Secondly, every month from the calculated income we give one tenth to the Lord. I believe that this is reason why God is blessing me. When we give our tithes to the Lord, He promises us, Will throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it. (Malachi 3:10) When you become a source of the Gospel, to build the kingdom of God, and a blessing to many ministries, God will bless you greatly and lift you up. Give, and it will be given to you. a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured out your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. (Luke 6:38)


God desires us to give one portion for God’s ministry and another portion to the poor. The Lord says: There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be open handed toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land. (Deut 15:11) It is God’s command to help the poor and the needy. God has promised, He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward him for what he has done. (Proverb 19:17) God cannot bless the selfish people. God will bless those who share their resources with others. Do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. Since Cornelius, a military officer helped the poor, God sent His Angel and revealed His to him. (Acts 10) God sent His Apostle Peter and Dorcas, a woman who was known for her good works and her help for the poor. (Acts 9) Even you could receive the blessings, miracles in your life by giving to the Lord and the poor. The Lord will bless you greatly.

For the Lord your God will bless you as he has promised, and you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. You will rule over many nations but none will rule over you. (Deut 13:6) God is going to bless you in this manner. Receive the blessings from God with faith.

Monday, June 8, 2009

To Dear Students…

Cigars and Cigarettes!

Respected brother,

I hope you remember me. At the close of the last Camp I had a photograph with you. My heart is filled with praise to God whenever I think of the blessings I received in the Camp.

To be more specific, Jesus delivered me from the bondage of smoking to which I had been enslaved since my high school days. All my pocket money was spent on the habit. My roommate was a chain smoker. He used to share imported cigarettes with me. I could never agree with preachers who condemned smoking because I was myself addicted. Even in the Camp on the first day I would first smoke and then go in and sit conveniently near the exit. But on the second day I committed myself to Christ. Since then I have not so much as touched a cigarette. I developed an unconscious hatred for it. When I try to explain this change to my old smoking companions they argue with me that nowhere the Bible condemns smoking. “I was a slave; but now I am delivered”— This is all I tell them. But I am unable to answer their questions from the Bible. Can you please tell me how to tackle them? Sorry for the trouble.

Greetings with love!

Yours, Victor

Dear Victor,

I shared your letter with friends here. We praised God for your deliverance.

True the Bible does not say, “Thou shalt not smoke!” But the principles cannot be ignored.

1. In every cigarette pack you find a note:

Statutory Warning: Cigarette smoking is injurious to health!

A fact universally proven. As for God’s will, 3 John 2 says,

“Beloved I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”

How then can smoking be God’s will?

2. A smoker abuses his body. Look at his discoloured lips and teeth and the bloodshot eyes. What is God’s commandment?

“You are bought at a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s” (1 Cor 6:15,20).

3. Undeniably smokers are slaves to the habit. But the principle for the Christian is—

“All things are lawful for me, but all things are not helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the slavery of any” (1 Cor 6:12).

Mere arguments take you nowhere. The Bible says, “Abstain from every form of evil!” (1 Thess 5:22).

Finally, mere knowledge that smoking is wrong does not deliver a person. He needs Jesus.

Referring to the deliverance from sin through Him, Jesus said, “If the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed!” (Jn 8:36). Is that not your experience? God bless your testimony.

Your brother

Wednesday, June 3, 2009



Who will help me? To whom can I go for this need? There is no one to help me? Who will help me regarding my career? There is no way by which I could be delivered from this debt problem! Who will meet my needs? Will this sick bed be changed? Who will heal me? Who will help me to come out of this problem? Are you worried like this for any of these problems? Do not be worried! Help will come to you! Help will come to you from the Lord!

A poor boy who was studying in the school once told me an incident. He was starting to go for the final year examination. He was getting ready with everything needed for the examination. He took the pen which he had to use for the examination. At that time only he found that the ink was leaking out of the pen. He tried again wiping it; still the ink was leaking out. He knew that he cannot write the examination with that pen. There was no way for buying a new pen; since he had no father, his mother was sending him for studies with great difficulty. Immediately the remembrance of Jesus Christ came to him. He prayed saying, “Jesus, you are only the father to me who has no help of my father. To whom can I go and ask for help! Jesus, help me” He went to school after the prayer. On the way he had to go through a railway crossing. When he was crossing it, he saw a new beautiful pen lying there. He took it and examined it. It was a very nice pen. He looked around; there was no one who could claim it. He went to write the examination praising the Lord saying “the Lord heard my prayer and has sent me the help”. See how the Lord Jesus helped him at the appropriate time.

You will get help from the Lord! We may think that this is only a small matter. But in his condition, it was a great thing for that small boy. He told every one with joy that the Lord helped him miraculously. How certain it is that the Lord will help in the big matters when He had helped with care even in the small matter! You will get help from the Lord for your debt problem to be changed and your need to be met! You will get help from the Lord for the sick bed to be changed and the sufferings to leave you! You will get help from the Lord for your job, your business and the matters connected with your children! Do not be worried! The help will come in the right time! If you have to get help from the Lord, there are a few things which you have to do.


“I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help” (Ps.121:1).

Let this be your experience. This means that, “I lift up mine eyes unto the Lord from whom my help cometh”. You might have been depressed looking after men for your help. You may be worried because you were cheated by men who promised to help you. Do not be worried. There is one who will not cheat you. He is desirous of helping you. He is the Lord Jesus Christ. Lift up your eyes unto Him. No one has been ashamed that looked up to Him.

The man of God’ George Mueller was taking care of thousands of orphan children in the hostel. He had never gone unto any person for donation to support the needs of the children. Even when he started the orphanage, he started it looking to the Lord and having his faith only on the Lord. Whatever may be his need, he will lift up his eyes unto the Lord only. His needs will be met miraculously. One morning a friend came to this man of God and asked him with astonishment, “How do you take care of this hostel without asking any one for help.” As they were speaking like this, the warden of the hostel came and told George Mueller “Sir, there is nothing for breakfast for the children; what should be done!” Mueller told him, “go and get ready the dining table; I will go and pray”. He asked his friend to sit and wait; himself went to the room and prayed. After praying for a few minutes, he came to his friend and told him, “Come, we will go and see how the Lord helps”. When they went to the dining hall, all the children came and sat at the dining tables. The plates were kept before them. When he said, “let us praise the Lord for the morning breakfast the Lord has given us,” the children stood up and sang a praise song. As the children were singing, a big van came up there and a man wanted to see George Mueller. When George Mueller introduced himself, the man said, “Sir, I am having a bakery making bread and selling. When I was sleeping in the night, Lord Jesus woke me up and commanded me to prepare enough bread and give it to George Mueller in the orphanage. I woke up immediately and prepared these bread in the night itself and have brought here.” He showed the bread in the van. The children were given that bread. As the children were eating the bread, a man came and asked “who is the head of this hostel?” When he was brought to George Mueller, he said, “Sir, I am the driver of the milk van. I was taking milk in my truck to the nearby city. All of a sudden my vehicle came under repair and stopped before your hostel. I tried my best to repair it but could not. It will take hours before the mechanic comes and set it alright. By that time, the milk will be spoilt and become useless. I saw this hostel. Now you can take this milk for your use”. Before the children finished eating the bread, milk was served to them. His friend went back with surprise when George Mueller told him, “It is like this that the Lord is helping at the right moment every day”. The Lord who helped George Mueller will help you also.

Lift up your eyes unto the Lord, looking unto Him and pray for your needs. Pray saying, “Unto thee lift I up mine eyes, Oh thou that dwellest in the heavens. Behold, as the eyes of the servants look unto the hand of their masters and as the eyes of the maiden unto the hand of her mistress, so our eyes wait upon the Lord our God, until He have mercy upon us”. (Ps.123:1,2). You will get help from the Lord.


The man of God who said, “I lift up mine eyes unto the Lord”, also says, “My help cometh from the Lord who made heaven and earth.” (Ps.121.2). His faith was, “my help cometh from the Lord”. Even when we look up the Lord, only when we have faith that the help will come from Him, we could get miracles. Have faith saying, “I will have help from the Lord”.

In his old age George Mueller was going on a ship to a city for preaching. All of a sudden the ship stopped in the middle of the ocean. He enquired the captain of the matter. The captain said “glaciers are around here within the sea. It is not possible to sail the ship over these. The ship could sail only after the glaciers move from here.” George Mueller asked him, “When will these glaciers move”? The captain replied, “it may move out in a day and sometimes it may take a week. However we have to wait only here”. George Mueller told him, “No, I should go immediately. Meetings have been arranged for me and the necessary publicity notices have also been given”. But the captain said, “it is not at all possible to go to that place before the date you are mentioning. It will take many days for us to start from this place”. Mueller said, “Let us pray. Lord Jesus will do a miracle. In all these years of my ministry, Jesus Christ had not let me be ashamed”. Though the captain was a Christian, he could not believe Mueller. However, because Mueller called him for prayer, he knelt down to pray with desdain. George Mueller prayed for the glaciers to move away.
After he prayed, the captain began to pray. Mueller immediately stopped the captain from praying and said, “you need not pray, because the Lord has given the answer to my prayer. There is no need to pray again for that matter. Besides, you have no faith on the Lord. So there is no use of your prayer. Now you go and see the ocean. The glaciers would have moved away; you prepare for the ship to sail”. Though the words of Mueller worried him, the captain was astonished at the faith of Mueller; he went and saw the sea.
What a wonder! All the glaciers had disappeared. The ship also started to sail immediately. Faith, George Mueller’s faith brought the miracle of God; brought help from the Lord at the time of hurry.

You also have faith on the Lord for your needs. Have faith saying, “I will get help from the Lord”. Jesus Christ has said, “For verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass, he shall have whatsoever he saith; Therefore I say unto you, what things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them”(Mk.11:23-24).

If you pray with faith and without any doubt, miracle will happen in the matter for which you pray. Confess your faith and pray. Confess the faith with your mouth saying, “I will have help from the Lord”, “Jesus Christ will heal me”, “The Lord will save my family” “The Lord will change my debt problem”, “The Lord will meet my needs”, “The Lord will accomplish everything for me”. You will see the Lord doing miracles for you according to your faith. You will get help from the Lord.


If the Lord has to help you, you should also help others. The Word of God says, “The liberal soul shall be made fat and he that watereth shall be watered also himself” (Pr.11:25). that means that the Lord’s help will come to him who helps others. The Lord blesses us so that we could be of help to others. “To do good and to communicate forget not; for with such sacrifices God is well pleased”(Heb.13:16). Since Dorcas helped the poor and the widows by giving them clothes, the Lord raised her alive when she had died’ through Peter.(Acts.9:36-40).

How can the Lord give help to those who are not concerned about others?

“As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith”.(Gal.6:10). Then, you will get help from the Lord.

“I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth”. Amen.. Amen.

(Repeat this verse again and again with faith). "HELP WILL COME TO YOU"