Monday, October 12, 2009


I receive letters that are written with burdens and tears. And most of the letters says “please pray for me for, I am unable to pray, I feel sleepy when I read the scriptures and regular sickness in the family. Some letters states about confusion in the family, struggle at work spot, dreadful dreams during the night, bondage of witchcraft and loss in business. Satan is tormenting our family a lot and we do not know what to do”. Of late we can see God’s children who keep praising Satan for all the 24 hours and say “see the power of Satan and see how this bad Satan is tormenting us”.

Our reason for the defeat is that we praise Satan who has been defected and bruised by Christ rather than praising Christ who victoriously defeated everything. It is true that Satan has got power. He took Jesus on the top of the mountain and the pinnacle of the temple and boldly said, “if you therefore will worship me, all shall be yours” (Luke 4:2-12) He has been described by Christ as a murderer (John 8:44) The apostles described Satan as the god of this age (II Corinthians 4:4) rulers of the darkness of this world, spiritual wickedness.

But the all-powerful Jesus Christ has defeated this Satan. This powerless enemy head has been bruised by Christ on the cross of Calvary, so that he may fear and tremble when he hear Jesus name. Let us closely listen to God’s counselling of how to overcome Satan and to understand how he works in our life.


Jesus Christ said a descriptive truth about Satan at John 10:10 He said, “the thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy”. Jesus has described Satan our enemy as a thief, killer and destroyer. A question arises in our hearts. What is he going to steal? What is he killing? What is he destroying? He brings sin into our lives and steals our peace. He creates sickness in our body and steals our health. He brings separation into our family and steals our union. He creates problems in our lives and steals our happiness. Likewise, he has stolen all the blessings that were given to us by God in the early stage of our life. Hence Jesus Christ called Satan a thief. He also creates unholiness to destroy holiness in our life. He creates anger to destroy love. He creates pride to destroy humility. He creates strife to destroy union.

Likewise he destroys all the spiritual qualities that is found in our lives. Moreover he sends depression, sorrow, fear and doubts and kills our faith, joy, happiness and belief. Likewise he completely destroys our life. A poor lady told me about her problem when I went to her house for prayer. Brother the youth in my family who is supposed to look after the family is addicted to sins and he spends all the money unnecessarily. Hence my family is suffering in poverty. I have been afflicted by sickness because of the thought of him. Even my daughters spend their days in sorrow thinking of their brother. He does not listen to the counsel that was given to him. Is there a chance for him to change?

God gave me a chance to meet this youth as according to the desire of this poor lady. As I was talking to him many things, the Holy Spirit helped me to identify an unclean spirit that was controlling him and ruining his life. This unclean spirit called him to do all the sins with great desire, which aresupposed to be avoided. It brought loss and materialistic blessings and made this family to suffer under the bondage of poverty. This unclean spirit brought this poor mother sorrow, tears and disease because of this problem. The Satan who controlled this youth stole all the blessings from the family. Not only in this family, he is also agonizing you with all the problems of sorrow, tears, loss, disease, etc.,

You are not going to gain anything when you say, “he has plotted against me and he has kept me in witchcraft, hence we face loss in our business”. God’s children have got one enemy in this world. He is Satan who resisted our beloved Christ and had been defeated. He is the one who makes others to stand against us, brings sickness, creates problem and sends loss into our lives. He is a stealer, destroyer and killer.


Jesus Christ who spoke very clearly about Satan had also spoken more clearly about Him in John 10:10 “I have come that they may have life, and have it the full”. Satan used sin to steal God’s likeness, God’s Glory, oneness in spirit and God’s peace, that was all kept by God in the life of Adam. The son of man came into this world to give back the same blessings to the mankind, which Satan has stolen. (Romans 5:18,19) He gave his life on the cross to give back to us the lost everlasting life (Romans 6:22,23) A man receives this everlasting life when he accepts Jesus Christ into his hearts. Moreover, he also receives back all the blessings that was stolen my Satan. The parents of a youth felt very sad because of the dangerous disease of their son. They spent a lot of many on doctors. They were not able to diagnose the exact disease. They spent all the nights worrying what would happen to their son? They do not know that an unclean spirit created this disease.

This unclean spirit tormented this youth with disease. And tormented the family with material loss and fear. One day this youth accepted Jesus in his heart at a Gospel meeting. The youth who was dead in sin received the everlasting life. He received the joy and peace that Jesus Christ acquired by shedding his blood on the cross. (Colossians 1:20) Satan who created this disease could not function any further, when the youth gave Jesus a complete place in his life. He received a miraculous healing from his disease. He opened up all the ways for the future. The parents were happy.

“I have come that they may life and have it to the full”, these words which was spoken by Christ became true in this young man’s life. Not only for this youth, Jesus Christ is waiting to give these blessings to all those who accept Him in their hearts. When we accept this Christ, He gives us eternal life to stay with Him now and always. He gives back the health that was stolen by Satan, so that we may have the full life. He creates back the same union. He gives back the same peace. He gives holiness changing sin in our lives. He gives us boldness changing our fear. He changes our unbelief and gives us faith. He changes our anger and gives us love. He changes struggle into calmness. He changes loss and gives us profit. Why not you receive this life, the eternal one? Repent of your sins and accept Jesus into your hearts. Receive the everlasting life.


The God who spoke about Satan and Himself, had also said about us in I Corinthian 3:23 through the Apostle Paul. “You are of Christ” You can feel faith, power and boldness rushing in our hearts, the more we meditate on this word. If you have been truly repented of your sins? If you have been truly accepted Christ as your saviour? If you have been truly cleansed of your sins? Then you belong to Christ.

Your body soul and spirit belong to Christ. He acquired you by shedding his priceless blood (I Corinthian 6:20). You are Christ treasure. Satan has got no power to touch you. God had an hedge around His servant Job. Satan had to seek God’s permission to touch Job (Job 1:10,12) Satan had to seek permission from Jesus to test the disciples who was His treasure (Luke 22:31) Satan has got no right to touch you and me, which belong to Christ. All that you have belong to Jesus. Your education, degree, designation, business, work, wealth and family belong to Christ alone. Who can take all these things from you? Fear not! For you belong to Christ.

When you struggle with Satan, be bold to say to him, “I belong to Christ. What can you do to me Satan? Most of the times, Satan will afflict me with disease and sickness in my body, when I go out for the Lord’s ministry. During these times, I used to say these words from the bottom of my heart. “Satan, you cannot do anything to me. I belong to Jesus”. “You do not have any right to touch me”. I have experienced a change in my body when I say these words. My tiredness and sickness would change.

Many a times Satan will create small confusion to disturb the blessings of the meetings. During these time I say, “Satan, I belong to Jesus, you cannot disturb me”. I have seen Satan hiding himself when I say these words getting filled with the Holy Spirit. When you face problems like disease, loss, struggle, sorrow and fear be bold enough to say to Satan and keep saying, “I belong to Jesus, you cannot do anything to me”. Say it with faith and be bold when you say it. Continue to say till you receive a miracle. You can say these, only when His blood has cleansed you. So place yourself completely into the hands of God. Do not forget that you are the treasure of king of kings if His blood has washed you. You are the treasure of the Lord of Lords. You are God’s children. What can Satan do to you? Pray to the Lord with faith and you will see miracles.

Beloved Father,
I thank you for changing me into a special treasure by cleansing me with the priceless blood of y our son Jesus Christ. My body, soul and spirit belong to you. I bind and chuck out all the Satan given disease and sickness from my body, which is your wealth. Satan, I rebuke you to take away your hands from my body which is Jesus wealth. Satan, my life belong to Jesus. My education work, business, family, wealth and all other things belong to Jesus only. So you better know that you do not have any right in any part of my life, which belong to Jesus. I resist you in the powerful name of my Lord Jesus Christ. I take victory over you in the victorious name of Jesus. I pray in the victorious and beloved name of my Jesus. Amen! Amen!