“Refrain your voice from weeping, and your eyes from tears; for your work shall be rewarded, says the Lord”. (Jeremiah 31:16)
There was a village called Bethany, which was situated two miles from Jerusalem. A poor family was there in this village. The family comprised of two sisters Martha and Mary and a Brother called Lazarus. They had no parents. These children who had lost their father and mother would have spent their life in sorrow. Many a times they would have longed to have a father and mother like other family to be loved, to be inquired and to get all things bought that they deserved. At this time, there established a good relationship between Jesus Christ and this family, “Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus” (John 11:5). Very often Jesus went to their house, stayed there to rest for sometime and also ate with them. How much happiness this would have brought to these poor children? The miracle working Jesus, the wonder working Jesus and the Son of God had a relationship with that poor family.
They would have rejoiced in Jesus forgetting the loss of their father and mother. Yes, the love and relationship of Jesus Christ would have certainly helped them to forget the loss of their father and mother. My dear God’s children! Are you dismayed because of the absence of your mother and father? Are you disarrayed because of the absence of a person to love you and to inquire you? You have Jesus, who can love you more than that of your mother. Great is the joy having Jesus living in your heart and your family. He loves you more than your mother and takes active interest in you more than your father. “Can a woman forget her nursing child, and not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget, yet I will not forget you” (Isaiah 49:15). “As a father pities his children, so the Lord pities those who fear Him”. (Psalm 103:13) “As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you”. (Isaiah 66:13) Why should you worry when you have Jesus to love you? Well, how did the relationship between Jesus and the poor family get established? One day, Jesus was walking through the village of Bethany. When Martha watched Him, she went near Him and asked Him to come to her house and took Him in (Luke 10:38).
A large crowd would have followed the miracle working Jesus. Even the village people would have gathered to watch Him. But nobody called Jesus to come into his or her house. Martha would have got down from her house, walked near Jesus and called Him in. Many questions would have risen in her heart. I am a spinster. What will my village people think of me? Will Jesus come into my house, if I call Him? But she called Jesus into her house, not being worried or ashamed of anything. And Jesus happily entered that house of the poor family. Have you accepted this Jesus in your heart? Why don’t you accept this miracle and powerful Jesus in your heart? Do not be ashamed of what people will speak about you. Do not suspect Jesus coming to your house. Certainly He will come to your house. He will make you glad. “Look I have been standing at the door. And I am always knocking. If any one hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in. I will fellowship with him and he with me” (Revelation 3:20)
A problem entered the house of this poor family, which rejoiced in the relationship of Jesus having forgotten the loss of their father and mother. The brother of these two spinsters became sick. A disease that would cause death would have affected him. How much sorrow, this would have created in these poor ladies? My dear people, we should not forget that Christian life consists of problems. “God did not promise us that we may escape these problems, if we accept Christ”. But it is written, “Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows”. (John 16:33). “You have been grieved by various trials”. (II Peter 1:6). “We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God”. (Act 14:22). God’s words says that, “we must go through many tribulations to enter the kingdom of God” (Act 14:22). But God will be with us among these trials and tribulations. Not to protect us from problems tormenting us, but to hold peace among these problems. When you accept Christ, the world may laugh, torment and reject you. But among all these problems your saviour Jesus will be with you.
When faced by a problem, many questions arise in our hearts like the tides of the sea. Where to go? Whom to share with? Who will help us? But, when Lazarus was sick, what did these poor children do? They sent word to Jesus saying, “Lord, behold, he whom you love is sick”. (John 11:3) They knew that they could get help from the true loving Jesus, who can understand their burdens. But what happened? “So when He heard that he was sick, He stayed two more days in the place where He was”. (John 11:6) Is this not surprising to us? They had sent word to Jesus in their times of trouble. But, Jesus delayed. Just think of the state of these poor ladies, during the delay of Jesus. They would have waited with expectation thinking that Jesus will come.
They must have stood at the door keeping their eyes on the direction where Jesus would come. The disease increased and Jesus did not come. The neighbours in the village would have said, “Call a doctor to examine your brother otherwise he may die for Jesus had not come”. These words would have broken the hearts of the young ladies. We are dismayed in our life when God delays in answering our prayers. On one side, we have problems from the family. On the other we have problems from people and most of the time we are depressed. Martha and Mary expected Jesus till the last minute and He did not come. Lazarus died. The two sisters lamented and cried. Lazarus was buried. They wept day and night. On one side they would have had the burden that Jesus did not come for help, even after sending word. On the other side, they would have had the pain of the loss of their only brother who was supporting them. Finally they would have been sandwiched by the scoffing of the neighbours who would have said, “ Many times Jesus came into your house as a loving person and He has done miracle to all the other people. But at last he did not come in your time of trouble” What did Jesus do when these poor children were tormented? Had he forgotten this poor family? No! How can he forget?
Jesus takes continuous care on a man, when he accepts Him in to his heart. Then, Why did he delay? There was a reason behind His delay. He did not hold himself from anything without any special reason. He had already decided to perform a great miracle in this poor family. Hence he delayed. Before this incident, he had already risen alive the son of widow in Nain, when he was taken for burial. He had also risen the daughter of Jairus within a short span of time. He had already decided to perform a great peculiar and unforgettable miracle that would be incomparable with any other miracles of the past. Hence he delayed. Is God delaying in answering your prayers? Is God delaying to change your problems? Do not be tired. God has not forgotten you. He wants to do a great miracle in your life. Hence, He is delaying in your affairs. Fear Not! He may delay, but he is there at the right time to help you. He may delay in your affairs, but he is not too late. He will perform a miracle at the right time. “For the vision is yet for an appointed time; but at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. (Habakkuk 2 :3 )
Jesus came to Bethany when the body of Lazarus had already been in the tomb for four days. These poor ladies wept falling at the feet of Jesus. They lamented and said “We had sent word for you, if you would been early our brother would not have died. But now you have come late. Our only brother is dead, if only you would have come immediately after the death your would have risen him up”. Now what can be done? Watching these sisters, the whole crowd who had come to comfort the family started to weep. Jesus saw them crying. He was not able to be silent when he saw his children crying. Jesus groaned in the sprint and was troubled. His heart was moved. He could not control his tears. “Jesus Wept” He cannot be silent when see his children crying. Jesus cannot be silent when he see his children who love him, suffering from pain and in tears. His heart will also get troubled for you. He will shed tears for you. He is a God who knows your problems and tears. Hence, He sent his angel to desert to wipe the tears of Hagar when she cried to the Lord With tears” (Gen 21:16,17) God gave a child to Hannah, when she prayed on anguish after provoked by her Husband’s second wife. (I Sam 1: 10-19) He also rose the son to the widow of Nain when He saw her crying. Jesus’ love and compassion has not changed even today. He had the experience of walking in the rugged path to understand your tears. So wipe your tears.
Jesus is not a person who will shed crocodile tears when He sees the tears of His children. He is a God who will perform a miracle to wipe their tears. He watched the tears of these poor children and He also wept with them. He did not stop there; He came to the tomb of Lazarus. Jesus said “ take away the stone from the tomb”. Then Martha the sister of Lazarus the dead said, “ Lord, by this time there is a stench for he has been dead four days. If you would have come before his death, you could have healed him or if you would have come immediately after his death, you could have risen him up. But now the body is rotten and it stenches. How can you raise this rotten body? Martha said these words on the basis of reality. Jesus said to her, “if you would believe, you would see the glory of God” (John 11:10) Are you dismayed of some great problem? Are you thinking how this problem will change?
Jesus says, “if you would believe, you would see the glory of God” Yes. Does stone of unbelief block your heart? Take away that stone now then there will be a miracle. The stone was taken according to the words of Jesus. He stood before the tomb and with loud voice said “Lazarus, Come forth! ” Why should he cry with a loud voice? Will not Lazarus come out, if he would have called him in the normal manner? Mary would have thought that it would stink when the stone is removed from the tomb. He would have taken a long breath before calling him aloud. There he inhaled the stink from the body of Lazarus. “Lazarus walked alive” Today Jesus has taken the stink of our curse and sin on the Calvary. So, nothing is impossible with Him. Every thing is possible with God that is impossible with you.
I would like to share a true story which was happen to my friend who is my coworker. My friend was unable to walk and became bedridden, given up hope by doctors at the age of 14. Many said he cannot walk any more and they also said that his survival was a question. At that time, a beloved brother stood for him in the breach; the hand of Jesus touched him when he prayed with tears. Before the prayer, he was unable to move his legs but after the prayer he got up from his bed and sat on it. Jesus Christ gave him a miracle healing. Many said he cannot walk any more but Jesus enabled him to walk. Hallelujah! Many said he will die but Jesus has kept him alive. Hallelujah! Jesus Christ who did the miracle in my friend life can do the same in your life too. On that day, a man prayed for my friend standing in breach.
Today I am going to pray standing in the breach that the may do a miracle for you.
Healing Father! I thank you for keeping my friend alive by doing a miracle in his life when he was forsaken and dismayed. Likewise, I stand in the breach for this brother and sister who is dismayed because of their tears. Do a miracle of their heart to wipe away their tears in the same way as you worked a miracle in my friend life to wipe the tears of my friend family. Lord, certainly wipe their tears. Let a miracle take place now in the name of Jesus! Amen!! Amen!!!
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