
* Muslims refuse to believe Jesus was crucified out of their deep reverence for Him.
* Islam sees God in terms of purity and absolute power
* Idea of God suffering and dying is completely incomprehensible
* The All Powerful divine nature cannot endure such crushing defeat
* Sura 4:157,158 – They say, “Because of (Jews) saying.” We killed the Messiah, Jesus Son of Mary, Allah’s messenger” they killed him not nor crucified him but shubbiha lahum (it appeared so to them). And those who disagree concerning it are in doubt thereof; they have no knowledge thereof except pursuit of a conjecture; they killed him not for certain. But Allah raised him up to himself, Allah is mighty, wise.”
* Shabih or ‘look alike’ in the Qur’an
Ø This false teaching was widespread among Christian heretics
Ø Basilides, the Gnostic, claimed that Simon of Cyrene consented to be crucified in Jesus’ place, so God cast on him the likeness of Jesus.
Ø Docetists said that Jesus was not crucified at all but only appeared so to the Jews. Docetic is derived from a Greek verb which means ‘to seem’ or ‘to appear’.
Ø In AD 276 Mani, the Persian self proclaimed prophet said ‘the one who was crucified was the son of the widow of Nain.’
* In 380 AD, the Council of Constantinople commissioned Bishop Gregory of Nyssa to visit churches in Arabia and Jerusalem where such disturbances had broken out.
THE MEANING OF Sura 4:157,158
* V.157 Jews boasted “we killed the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary.”
* This verse does not deny the historicity of the crucifixion.
* “They killed him not nor crucified him” may be interpreted in different ways
Ø Jews did not crucify Jesus but the Romans did
Ø Jews were not the true agents of the crucifixion because Jesus freely and voluntarily gave Himself up to be crucified (John 10:18)
Ø Attempt to kill Jesus was ineffective because He rose from the dead on the third day.
Ø Disagreement about the crucifixion is an Islamic problem, not a Christian one
Ø V157 says “Those who disagree concerning it are in doubt thereof, they have no knowledge thereof….” - Christians are not among those who disagree concerning the crucifixion
Ø They were never in doubt of it.
Ø They do not pursue conjecture.
Ø Muslims disagree and are in doubt. It is they who have no knowledge thereof
* Jesus did not need a double – because Christ never avoided the crucifixion, He came in the first place for the redemption of man.
* Jesus was All Powerful but chose not to defend Himself. Defending Himself would have defeated His purpose of dying for the sins of the world.
* There is a reliable, historical, evidence for the crucifixion of Christ – gospel accounts and Roman records.
* The eyewitnesses can be trusted, they were present at the event, they would have known an impostor.
* The wrong man would have resisted execution
* It was none other than Jesus Christ who was crucified.
* Since the Quran does not explain how the killing of Jesus took place, the Injil becomes the sole natural and original source of information on this subject
* Sura 3:55 – Allah said, “O Jesus I am inni mutawaffika causing you to die and causing you to ascend to me and I am cleansing you of those who disbelieve and I am setting those who follow you above those who disbelieve until the Day of Resurrection. Then to Me you will all return and I shall judge between you as to that in which you used to differ.
Mutawaffika – translated
Ø gathering you
Ø “I end your term” (on earth so I do not leave you to your enemies, the Jews to kill you)
Ø “cause you to die” – this is the interpretation of Ibn Abbas, Mohammad’s cousin, known as the Expositor of the Quran. It is also the interpretation of Ibn Ishaq, Mohammad’s biographer. This meaning is also supported in the Hadith.
* Sura 19:33 “Peace on me the day I was born, and the day I die and the day I shall be raised alive.” Is a clear Quranic confession and prophecy from the mouth of Jesus that He became incarnate, died, and was raised from the dead
Ø Many Muslim scholars interpret “the day I die” as referring to the death of Jesus after his second coming but in Sura 19:15, the Quran uses the same expression for John the Baptist – so peace be upon him, on the day he was born and on the day of his death and on the day he is raised to life.
Ø Out of over 6,000 Quranic verses, there is not one single verse that simply says that Jesus did not die on the cross or that Jesus was not crucified.
Ø There is a principle of the Quran – 3 verses must say the same thing – but in the Quran, not so regarding the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ
Early Muslim commentators who were contemporaries of Mohammad are supposed to have made these statements regarding Jesus’ death and resurrection:
1. Wahab bin Mumbah – “Jesus died three hours after he was crucified then Allah raised him”
2. Ibn Hisham – “Jesus died three days after he was crucified”
3. Salma bin Muttalib – “Jesus died after four days”
4. Zumer bin Khattad – “Jesus died after one hour”
All these agree he died, difference was only in time.
But the Muslim commentators after 12th century, said that the above mentioned commentaries are not authentic
| * Psalm 22 written 1000 years before Christ. * Isa 53 written 700 years before Christ
Delivering Jesus to His enemies for 30 pieces of silver
| * Zach 11:12 – the fulfilment of this is in Matt 26:14
Buying of the Potter’s field
| * Zach 11:13 – fulfilment in Matt 27:3-8
Mocking Jesus then crucifying Him
| * Psalm 22:16-18 – fulfilment in Matt 27:39-42
Giving Him vinegar to drink
| * Psalm 69:21 – fulfilment in John 19:28
Soldiers dividing His clothes by lot
| * Psalm 22:18 – fulfilment in John 19:23,24
His bones not being broken
| * Psalm 34:20 – fulfilment in John 19:32
Being pierced by a spear
| * Zach 12:10 – fulfilment in John 19:34
Dying with the wicked but being honoured also
| * Isa 53:9 – fulfilment in Matt 27:57-60
Jesus knew that the cross was coming upon Him and He prepared His followers well in advance.
Matt 16:21 Matt 17:22,23 Matt 26:1-2 Mark 8:31 Mark 9:31 Mark 10:32-34
Luke 9:22 John 3:13-14 John 12:24-32
Acts 2:23 Acts 3:14-15 Acts 8:4
Jews would have denied these charges if they were not true.
Rom 6:3-5 Matt 26:26-28
A shabih would never be able to utter such things while in the throes of a painful death
Acts 2:22-36 I Cor 15:3-8, 14,15
John 19:34
No group would proudly publicise the shameful death of its leader unless:
- the event really happened
- it led to something helpful and beneficial
Paul takes pride in the cross – Gal 6:14
The cross has been adopted as a symbol of Christianity
Many pagan historians testified to the historicity of the crucifixion:
* Cornelius Tacitus AD 55-120 – He wrote The Annals – mentions how Nero fastened the guilt (burnt Rome) on Christians mentioning Christ suffered extreme penalty in the reign of Tiberius and at the hands of Pontius Pilate.
* Thallus AD 52 – reported darkness covered the land during the crucifixion.
* Julius AD 221 – explained the darkness saying, “It was not because of an eclipse of the sun.” he writes, “the darkness could not take place at the time of the full moon and it was at the season of the Pascal full moon that Jesus was crucified.
* Josephus AD 66 – a Jew born a few years after crucifixion writes mentioning the crucifixion and resurrection
* Lucien AD 100 – outstanding Greek historian writes “the Christians worship a man to this day – one who was crucified”
* Pontius Pilate mentions in Acts of Pontius Pilate that “the crucifixion of Jesus was confirmed”
* Celsius AD 140 – an Epicurean philosopher and enemy of Christ. He recorded the fact of the crucifixion in his book The True Discourse.
* Muslims think that sin does not hurt, disturb or sadden God.
* Muslims think forgiveness and the offering of paradise are God’s decisions – His Will.- So no need for the atoning death of Christ
- Human nature is sinful.
§ Quran acknowledges the depravity of the human soul
§ Sura 2:35-38, Sura 7:19-26 - Quran confirms man’s fall in the garden of Eden
§ Sura 2:36 and Sura 7:24 – state consequences of Adam’s sin on his descendants
Sura 11:9 – Man is despairing, ungrateful
Sura 12:53 – Man is prone to evil Isaiah 53:6
Sura 14:34 – Man is a wrongdoer
Sura 3:193 – Muslims pray for forgiveness and atonement of sins
This is why every Muslim prays “forgive us our sins and atone (kafar, cover) for us our evil deeds and take our souls in death in the company of the righteous” Sura 3:193.
How can this petition be granted? – tells us why Jesus had to die:
- Good deeds do not save
§ Sura 2:271, Sura 5:12,45,89, Sura 29:7 - Quran teaches that good deeds annul evil ones
§ Eph 2:8,9, Titus 3:3-7 - Bible takes different view –teaches that it is by grace that we are saved and all our good deeds are like filthy rags.
- We need a ransom
§ Heb 9:22 - without shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness.
§ Gen 3:21. God Himself initiated this
§ Entire OT-- sacrifices continue
§ John 1:29, I Cor 5:7.– all these were symbols of the one true sacrifice of Christ
§ Sura 37:107 -The Quran accepts the concept of ransom when it speaks about redeeming Abraham’s son with a great sacrifice –. They celebrate Id-al-Ada (Feast of Sacrifice). This commemorates the redemption of Abraham’s son.
- God’s justice and mercy must be reconciled.
§ Sura 3:56 - Quran teaches that God is just –. A just God will never overlook sin.
§ Sura 6:54. - Quran also teaches that God is merciful
§ Isa 53:4-6 – Jesus allowed both justice and mercy to be satisfied. Quran does not mention about reconciling these two contradictory attitudes in our lives.
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