Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Journey with Christ

Exodus 15

Dear saint of God…! This sermon reflects on the Canaan generation. They life experience will teach us lessons to follow. As Christians, we bless God all the time. However when we face problems, that is when we are able to see our true nature. The journey they took, though a brief lesson today, but it has profound meanings to follow.

We read in Chapter 15, The Israelite children dancing and praising God. And they coming to Mara and immediately they start to grumble. God leads His children to Mara. Mara is bitter, but God is actually trying to reveal the bitterness of man in this Scripture. It is difficult to accept but deep in us we sometimes have bitterness, and God wants to help remove it from us. Only if we allow we can be healed.

We read in Verse 22, that they went to the Desert of Shur. "shur" in Hebrew means wall. There are times we have walls in our life that causes us not to prosper despite our prayer and fasting. That is the place of shur that God is leading them to.

In Egypt the people saw miracles like never written before or seen before in the history of man. They were all God's doing. They came to the Red Sea and saw it departing. They walked amidst that departed sea. They experienced the miracle. They also saw the sea closing. Of course it was God's Big and Mighty Hand that held the heavy sea. They then danced and praised God which you read in Chapter 15.

They saw His greatness and His voice. Within 3 days they spoke against God and His appointed man. Jesus did miracles before His disciples. He slept awhile and the raging sea that came to hit the boat made His disciples terrorised. And Jesus after silencing the wind and the sea asked them, "Where is your faith?"
I trust many people go through problems in life but I also believe that God is not the reason for your problems. But God is asking you, "Where is your faith?". Do you not think that the red sea that God held with His hands will not be able to give u a glass of water?

When you have a problem that is when the strength of your faith is revealed. If your joy comes from the earth remember that the joy is not permanent. Unless that joy comes from heaven. Ask God for the faith of Jesus. We must always seek without fail each day for God's love, touch and care. If you have an anointing and discernment it should not only be in church. It should be everywhere you go that you can live in God's fullness. Your life will be according to His will.

Know three things about God. 1) He is aware of your needs. He is a God who watches over us. He is knows your problems, what you need today and in your future. He knows your immediate needs. 2) God is able to meet all your needs, despite your situation and problems. 3) God has prepared a provision for you. He has prepared an answer for you though you can’t see or understand now

In Exodus God knows His children are coming to Mara. When His children complain, He need not realise it because He knows. God knows how much you telephone bill is coming up to. He knows the problems you are going to face tomorrow. When you worship a God who knows everything it means He is a powerful God. God knows what sickness or health complications that you may have in future. God is not a God of today. Don’t live your life as if you don’t know how long you may live. Live as if you want to see Jesus in His second coming. How splendorous it will be with angels, lights, glory and thunder. And like Elijah taken up to heaven, pray that you have that same experience.

In Verse 25, God had planted a tree because He knows His children are coming over and the water of Mara is bitter. He told Moses to cut its wood and throw into the river. The waters become sweet. In the Garden of Eden, it was cos of a tree, Adam and Eve sinned. God then again gave us a "tree".1 Peter 24 - "Jesus hung on a tree". The tree is the gospel and the salvation. With Jesus the bitterness will turn into sweetness. With Jesus you will have good health and joy. The blood of Jesus is still talking for us in heaven.

Here God is bringing Jesus into the rivers of Mara. Then after that God takes them to Elim. Elim is a place where rivers of water continuously flow. The story does end with Mara but the journey continues. In your life, you cannot stop when God does a miracle for you. Keep walking on, for God knows what you need. When you face problems because of any wrong doing, God also knows that He needs to deliver you out. Keep walking on. God Bless You.

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